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Poster: Tyler Date: Mar 14, 2004 3:57am
Forum: etree Subject: Re: MP3 Shows

after checking the box on the 'edit' details page, did you hit 'update' ? or did you just close the window? Also for those others did you hit the 'do not make derivate formats' at the bottom of the import page?

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Poster: hoyt Date: Mar 14, 2004 4:36am
Forum: etree Subject: Re: MP3 Shows

On the edit page I clicked update, and then the new page refreshed in the pop-up and I clicked the close link. I thought the "do not make derivate formats" was the box we were talking about. If it's not that one, and it's a second box, then I didn't check that... ?

The one that I know I checked was the one right above the box that says, I have the rights to import this show, yada yada. Is that the same one lossy check box, or is there another one?


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Poster: Tyler Date: Mar 14, 2004 4:45am
Forum: etree Subject: Re: MP3 Shows

you did it right. this might be a bug.

Yes, when you are importing a show at the vey bottom there are two boxes. the one that says " I have the rights to this show ..." and the other one (which you seem to have checked) that syas "do not make devitave files of this show'...

what i was talking about is that say you DID NOT check that box initially. then during the import process, the mp3's would be made and so forth. then say a week later you change your mind and want no mp3's out there. then all you have to do is go to the show details' page, hit 'edit' then at the top you will see three boxes. two are admin only boxes (dealing with making a show a spotlight pick) and the third box is the same box as the one from the import page "do not make derivative versions". Since you initially DO NOT check the box, then looking at this edit details page, that box would still NOT be checked, and mp3's would be around.

so now that you don't want mp3's, just check that box off, and hit update. then as jon said, the files would be deleted within 3-4 hours.

the opposite works too. say you didn't want mp3's initially, (box checked) but changed mind, by unchecking the box and then 'update' the files will be made automatically

though it seems in your case something is going on. jon will look into it i'm sure.


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Poster: Jonathan Aizen Date: Mar 14, 2004 8:00am
Forum: etree Subject: Re: MP3 Shows

As far as I can tell there is no bug. Everyone else is checking off that box just fine, and the rules files are being copied.


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Poster: hoyt Date: Mar 16, 2004 11:22am
Forum: etree Subject: Re: MP3 Shows

Jon, I updated these shows last night and the MP3s have not been removed yet:

When I check the details of the files it's marked as do not make lossy derivations still. Can we not make that setting taper specific? Nothing I upload do I ever want to be MP3, and this is turning into a lot of hassle to have the MP3s removed.

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Poster: Jonathan Aizen Date: Mar 16, 2004 12:59pm
Forum: etree Subject: Re: MP3 Shows

There is a bug with audio20 (which those shows are on) and audio17, so I will remove them manually. You have to understand that what you consider to be a hassle is ten times harder on us - trying to make everyone happy isn't easy, so please have patience. I gave explicit instructions a while back on how to make it so you don't have to check the box each time. Just upload a file called DIRNAME_rules.conf where the only contents are CAT.lossy and put in the show's directory (where the show's directory is called DIRNAME). Do this for every show you upload. If this doesn't meet your needs, I suggest you hold off on uploading until we can get it where you want it to be. I am perplexed as to why it isn't working for you - other users are checking the box off just fine. Thanks for your patience and continued contributions, Jon
This post was modified by Jonathan Aizen on 2004-03-16 20:59:57

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Poster: Tyler Date: Mar 16, 2004 1:15pm
Forum: etree Subject: Re: MP3 Shows

"I gave explicit instructions a while back on how to make it so you don't have to check the box each time. Just upload a file called DIRNAME_rules.conf where the only contents are CAT.lossy and put in the show's directory (where the show's directory is called DIRNAME). Do this for every show you upload. "

maybe we should add something like this to the faq? something as an info thing for people to understnad what will happen with the automated systems as far as mp3 creation / mp3 deletions.

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Poster: hoyt Date: Mar 14, 2004 9:32am
Forum: etree Subject: Re: MP3 Shows

I must be doing something wrong then, but I don't know what. I'll have to take screen shots or something next time I import a show. Thanks.
